Friday, October 16, 2009

Tasered woman says next time she'll `say nothing'

Tasered woman says next time she'll `say nothing'
NEW YORK (AP) - A 72-year-old Texas woman who was Tasered during a traffic stop when she dared an officer to shock her says if stopped again she would say nothing.
Kathryn Winkfein said in an interview Tuesday on NBC's "Today" show that she lost her temper and if she had to do it over, "I would just not say anything, not react."
Winkfein was stopped May 11 for going 60 mph in a 45-mph zone near Austin. A patrol car camera captured what happened when Winkfein got out of her vehicle and argued with the officer.
The incident is being reviewed by prosecutors. An internal investigation found no violations by the officer.
Winkfein this month accepted a $40,000 settlement offer from Travis County. County Judge Sam Biscoe said defending a lawsuit would have cost much more.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That cop should have definately been punished. Cops think that becuase they hold a badge they are above all others. If the woman had dared him to shoot her would he also think that was ok? That woman was older and could of had some kind of heart condition and from what i read she didn't pose any threats towards him she was just out spoken. Honestly she could have died. So taze her becuase you dont like what she said....Cops can be such jerks.

  3. Wow! I don't remember hearing that the woman injured by the chimp was an employee. If she was working as an employee, then contract law would apply to this situation. As an employee she would be entitled to Workman's Comp. I guess, just how much Workman's Comp is the question.

    It would seen that a civil suit would also be possible because of negligence. Either way, The chimp's owner had best say her prayers.

  4. Oops! I was having trouble getting into and out of the blog and put the above comment in the wrong place. See below article about the chimp.

  5. Wow yea Nadera is right i mean its pretty immature and unprofessional for the officer to taser an elderly woman just because she was sarcastic and angry daring him to. The example of if she had said the same thing about shooting her or another type of violence would he...I do not think the officer had the right to taser this woman ive seen cops deal with worse and not resort to violence. I am happy she recieved settlement funds, she is lucky she didnt recieve worse injuries.
