Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bill to legalize, tax marijuana in California gets a hearing

A San Francisco Assemblyman proposed to legalize marijuana for recreational us in California on Assembly Bill 390. In a Capitol committee hearing, testimony was heard and discussions revealed that this is a very complex issue on many different levels.
It seems the primary concern is the amount of tax revenue it could provide to the state and the legal conflict created by collecting state tax on a federally banned item. Essentially, a retailer who files taxes indicating revenue from the sail of marijuana can be incriminating himself on federal offences.

The Assemblyman plans to push Assembly Bill 390 when the legislature reconvenes in January.

I can't imagine the legalization of marijuana for recreational use would be any different than the legalization of alcohol consumption. Some people will abuse it and some people will not. I wonder, though, how many people would still be buying, selling and using illegally for fear of federal charges.


  1. I think that in the next 5-10 years all use of marijuana is going to be legal. Look how far they've already come.. It's just a matter of time. As long as they put the same restrictions on it as they do with alcohol consumption I think it's going to do nothing but make the government billions of dollars every year instead of spending billions to ban it, and getting no where with it. Most people who get into trouble is based around the possession of marijuana.. if it's legal the crime rate will go down dramatically, the government won't have to support as many inmates. I think it will be successful.

  2. The government will be successful in the "profiting aspect" but think about it. People sell marijuana to support their families. If they legalize it then the purchasers will buy it from the stores and this will agravate the "Corner Marijuana sellers". It will take their customers away and im sure they wont be happy about that. Im sure their would be threats to stores who sell it, and a lot of violence to put these legal stores out of business.
