Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TLC Lines Up Witnesses Against Jon Gosselin

As stated (link attached below), TLC has filed suit against Jon Gosselin (formerly of Jon & Kate Plus 8) for Breach of Contract. Subpoenas are expected to be served this week against Jon’s former girlfriend, manager, lawyer, bodyguard, talent rep., Michael Lohan and other business acquaintances and friends.

The one person listed that does not compute in my mind is Jon’s lawyer. I was under the impression that attorney/client privilege would take precedence over any dispute (regard contract law or any other lawsuits) which would prohibit the lawyer from incriminating his client in any way.

The original lawsuit for Breach of Contract was filed by TLC in October, 2009.



  1. wow i cna believe what i have just read. It seems to be that this man is just tryin to get everyone to feel bad for him. Everytime i look around there is something else this man did, or did again. I think he just has to accept the fact of this situation with the divorce, and move on with what life he might have. I personally think he loves the camera even though he states he does not, or he wouldnt be doing anything to get the 10 sec of fame again. Was a great show though, i am going to miss it.

  2. I hope Jon gets whats coming to him. He is so annoying.
