Saturday, November 28, 2009

N.Y. Judge Censured for Helping Arrest Motorist

A judge in New York was censured after unlawfully using his position to issue a driver a traffic citation. As the story goes, the judge was driving behind the citationed driver. After seeing him fail to stop for a pedestrian at a cross walk, the judge decidedly pull the man over and coerced the man into turning himself into the police for the minor traffic crime. The total sum of the fines paid by the man were $25. The judge's behavior was taken into question and came down to a 6-3 vote by the State Commission of Judaical Conduct, 6 voting to censure him and 3 voting to remove him from the bench.

1 comment:

  1. This is ridiculous. He knows he does not have authority to do this...This is why we have police officers on the street...Was he looking fr a pay raise??
