Monday, November 30, 2009

ACLU sues for students to wear anti-Islam shirts in Florida schools

The American Civil Liberties Union has sued a north Florida school district, claiming that the Alachua County School District violated students' rights by not allowing them to wear T-shirts with an anti-Islamic message.

The civil rights organization says that while it doesn't agree with the "Islam is of the Devil" message printed on T-shirts distributed by the Dove World Outreach Center, it does support the students' constitutional right to freedom of speech.

In a letter to the ACLU the school board's law firm said that "a school may regulate a student's free speech rights if the exercise of those rights materially and substantially interferes with maintaining appropriate discipline at school, or if the conduct impinges on the rights of other students."

I am all for the comment made by the school board's law firm. Obviously, this kind of material would be a major disruption in school for students and staff.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree that school is not the appropriate place for the tee shirt. It would be distracting to some students and may offend others.
