Friday, March 26, 2010

Teens arrested after party causes $45,000 damage to house

As the article headline implies, several teens were arrested for vandalism to a couple's home as they were on vacation in Paris, France. The couple's teen son and neighbors were left with a key and instructions to watch their house while they were away. One thing lead to another and the teen somehow allowed a juvenile to start a rambunctious party at the home. The party goers trashed the house and caused approximately $45,000 worth of damage.

This is one of the main reasons that there are laws in protect your property. If there weren't laws to ensure that justice will come to those who steal, damage and ruin our possessions, then anyone could walk into your home, school, office, etc. and take whatever they wanted because there would not be any repercussions.

I hope that this couple had a nice, relaxing vacation because they are coming home to one HUGE headache.


  1. Wow, these teens sound like animals not human beings. I hope they are ordered to pay for the damages.

  2. They should absolutely be made to pay for the damages. It's unfortunate though that they probably won't find all of the kids responsible for the damage. This juvenile doesn't seem to be a friend of the kid that lived in this house, so how do you let someone that you're not friends with talk you into having a party? At least no one was hurt, right?! Although, I would love to know what the parents did when they got home to that mess!

  3. There was a similar case here in Bucks about 5 years ago!

  4. I think this situation shows a lot of the problems that are happening in this country today. A lot of kids think they have the ability to do whatever they want whenever they want and think there are no consequences. I have a feeling that the parents of the kids who vandalized the house did not punish their kids for what wrongful things they did. Obviously the people who owned the house worked hard for what they had and after one vacation they came back to seeing it destroyed. The kid who vandalized the house need to get a taste of reality and hopefully they get what they deserve for their actions.
