Friday, March 26, 2010

Maine law promotes recycling among manufacturers

A new law has been passed in Maine that puts the responsibility on the manufacturer of consumer products to collect, recycle, and safely dispose of their products. Similar laws exist in Maine dealing with products containing mercury.


  1. I think that it is great that people are pushing for more and more recycling laws. This one is a tad confusing though. Does this mean that when I purchase AA batteries that Duracell is responsible to come to my home when they are 'dead' so that they are responsible for the recycling of that product? I semi-doubt that, but I am going to take a guess and say that they will collect larger consumer products. Ex: A lawn mower battery?

    I hope that I am understanding this article correctly and, if I am, this is great news that law makers are making businesses responsible for waste that they are inevitably creating.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I don't know if PA has any laws that require manufacturers to recyle, but at an old job I had, they didn't have one recylcing bin, not even in the office. The amount of cardboard, printing paper, printer cartridges and plastic that was just tossed in the garbage was disgusting. With all the incentives out there (IE: price reductions on recycled ink cartridges) & environmental benefits I don't understand why a company would choose not to recycle...
