Monday, March 29, 2010

Hacker Sentenced to 20 Years in Massive Data Theft

I chose this article because internet crimes are on the rise and we touched on internet jurisdiction in chapter 2.

Personally, I think he deserved consecutive sentences. Odds are, in 20 years, when he gets out, he's going to do it all over again. It's said to be "stiffest sentence ever handed down in a hacking case", perhaps if the punishment were harsher, we'd have fewer hackers...

I also think any company that's going to use the internet (which is pretty much EVERY company around the world) needs to put forth more time, money and effort safeguarding the information they enter into their computers.

Oh, and sorry for posting enitre articles in m previous posts... I didn't see the post on BBVista about blogging until this morning : )


  1. I also agree that he should serve consecutive sentences. I especially like that his attorney claims he played "only a peripheral role" in one of the hackings, so does that mean he's only a little guilty? Ridiculous. This article also says he has Aspergers. While that may present (for lack of a better word) challenges, I don't think that, or his drug addiction, excuses illegal behavior.

    Companies really need to step up their security measures to ensure their privacy and the privacy of their customers.

  2. I think this is an interesting article in today's world. Internet theft is a very common, serious crime that happens way too frequently. I believe that Gonzalez deserves his sentence. If a person physically robbed a bank or another person's belongings, they would suffer a similar penalty. Even though Gonzalez's crime were commited via Internet, doesn't make the crime any less valuable. It states Mr. Gonzalez couldn't stop himself from commiting the crimes because of his drug abuse and internet addiction. Well, maybe his addictions should have been attended to and taken care of in an earlier period. The addictions and abuse are just really a sad excuse, and not worth mentioning for blame.

  3. I am a little bit surprised that a court allowed Mr. Gonzalez to stand trial due to his Internet addiction, psychological disorder and drug abuse. I do agree with the sentencing though, he did some extremely illegal activity and I am sure that his victims are glad that he is serving time for his actions. The only thing that worries me though…the feds caught him back in 2004 and allowed him to move back to Miami to act as a Secret Service informant. Why is it that he was able to do additional financial ruin, but this time on a much larger scale? Wasn’t anyone keeping tabs on him?
