Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Gosselin Custody Battle

Jon Gosselin asks Judge for kids alleging that Kate Gosselin is neglecting the kids because she is appearing on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars". On Tuesday, Jon's attorney, Anthony List, accused Kate of neglecting the children because she is on "Dancing with the Stars", a charge her attorney, Mark Momjian, rejected as "patently false."

I would like to see what the Judge's decision is on the custody of all eight children.


  1. I can not stand to hear about these two anymore! I feel so bad for the children and what they must be going through. I would say neither parent should have custody because they have both become monsters since they have had their five seconds of fame. They are not thinking of the childrens best interest, they are only thinking of what will make themselves look better!

  2. I agree with the last comment because everything that happens between the two just seems to be an attack on the other person. I don't know how a now single mother of 8 could take care of the kids and be on a highly competitive dance show when she seemed to have trouble with it while her and Jon had their own show. They are both showing a lot of immaturity and the future is not looking so bright for the kids.

  3. Who is a better parent? a chain-smoking, jet setting bachelor or the woman who has been pimping out her kids for the last 5 years who will do anything to make a buck?

    They're famous for absolutely nothing and I'm embarrassed that I even know as much as I do about them. But they are impossble to escape; They're on tv, in the magazines, and now a topic in business law! I wish they would both go away. Take her off dancing with the stars and stop putting the both of them in the tabloids.
