Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Skype Founders File Copyright Suit Against eBay
This article I found is appropriate because these are modern everyday programs people use, Skype and eBay. Im not exactly sure about why the companies are in the situation because the article is a little confusing. It is, although, about copyright violations. So if anyone who reads the article can explain it better that would be awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Basically this is the most important part of the article
    "In the court filing, Joltid, a company owned by the Skype founders, claims that eBay violated copyright law by altering and sharing the peer-to-peer source code behind the free Internet calling service. The Skype founders maintained ownership of that source code after selling Skype to eBay in 2005, and licensed it to eBay."

    The rest basically explains how the founders of Skype have a past of suspiceous behaviors and they are being investigated and now companies such as google who were originally interested in purchasing skype are backing away to be cautious.

    Im a frequent ebay user and i know people who use skype so this was actually pretty interesting. Thanx
