Saturday, November 7, 2009

Founders Win a Piece of Skype from EBay

The founders of Skype finally got what they wanted which is some controlling interest back in Skype. It is interesting that they sold it to EBay but did not sell them the underlying technology and then when they wanted Skype back they used litigation by suing EBay for using the underlying technolgy needed to run Skype. I am not sure how a company like EBay could have made the mistake of assuming that Skype would just let them use the technology without buying it or putting it in their contract. They obviously learned their lesson.

Read the article at:

1 comment:

  1. i loved reading this article, it was quite amusing actually. i thought that ebay would be smart enough to realize there was something wierd going on in this contrat. So, as jennifer said, they sure learned their lesson with this one. everyone makes mistakes, but some are wayyy larger then others.
