Monday, October 5, 2009

Mediation Strategies

This is an interesting blog I came across by a lawyer and ADR mediator in California. He blogs about tips and techniques lawyers (and clients) should use when preparing for mediation. He also gives specific advice on the best ways to mediate cases in certain areas of law. It could be an interesting tool for general knowledge and preparation techniques in the future.

Here is the link to the blog:


  1. I read the article and has common sense. Most people go with an aggresive attitude to defend their rights and suprise the order party with a new evidence. After my personal evaluation , I am agree with the author. When we have to deal with a mediation, we have to be honest with and open mind, and show them the documents what we have to get the best deal, I don't like surprises either, I want to know ahead what the other party has to be prepared and fair. Lay the cards on the table and face the reality, and be clear, it's much better, in order to have more benefits for the issue.

  2. I read the article and has common sense. Most people go with an aggresive attitude to defend their rights and suprise the order party with a new evidence. After my personal evaluation , I am agree with the author. When we have to deal with a mediation, we have to be honest with and open mind, and show them the documents what we have to get the best deal, I don't like surprises either, I want to know ahead what the other party has to be prepared and fair. Lay the cards on the table and face the reality, and be clear, it's much better, in order to have more benefits for the issue.
