Monday, September 21, 2009

Abercrombie & Fitch sued over Muslim teen

In this article the clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch had a lawsuit filed against them stating an Oklahoma store refused to hire a 17 year old Muslim girl because she wore a head scarf. The manager of the store stated the girls head scarf violates the store's "Look Policy." This would be a case where someones right to practice their religion has been violated which is against the U.S. Constitution.


  1. Wow this truely amazes me Im surprised the management of abercrombie did this it should be common knowledge that this is obvious discrimination and could get them sued. I understand the "look" policy becuase many retailers such as abercrombie have that but still...

  2. This is not the first time Abercrombie has been sued for discrimination. See if you can find any other cases.

  3. The link that you posted appears to be no longer available but I wish to comment nevertheless. The article seems to refer to the fact that the person's head is covered, similar to the recent law that prohibits a person from entering certain bank branches with ballcaps, hats, and sunglasses. Hereto, the line is drawn regarding Muslims wearing head scarves. I believe that there will be an acception for those with this belief but I believe the decision is still pending. I have not heard anything recent regarding same.

  4. I had researched by looking up Abercrombie racial discrimination cases and had come across some cases where they only hired attractive, white salespeople. I just don't understand this narrow minded behavior coming from such a large company.
